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Nama / Name | No Kad Pengenalan / Indentification card No | Muat Naik Gambar Kad Pengenalan / File Upload Identification Card No: File #1 | Muat Naik Gambar Kad Pengenalan / File Upload Identification Card No: File #2 | No Kad OKU / Disabled Card No | Muat Naik No Kad OKU / File Upload Disabled Card No: File #1 | Muat Naik No Kad OKU / File Upload Disabled Card No: File #2 | Kategori OKU / Category of Disabilities | No Plat Kenderaan / Vehicle Plate No | No Lesen Memandu / Driving License No | Muat Naik Lesen Memandu / File Upload Driving License: File #1 | Muat Naik Lesen Memandu / File Upload Driving License: File #2 | Geran Kenderaan / Vehicle Grant | Jenis Kenderaan / Type of Vehicle | Jenama Kenderaan / Vehicle Brand | Warna Kenderaan / Vehicle Color | Sijil Insuran / Certificate of Insurance: File #1 | Sijil Insuran / Certificate of Insurance: File #2 | No Cukai Jalan / Road Tax No | Cukai Jalan / Road Tax | No Telefon / Telephone No | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Address Line 1 | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Address Line 2 | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: City | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: State | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Zip/Postal Code | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Country | Ubah Suai Kereta?: Ya | Ubah Suai Kereta?: Tidak | Nama Kecemasan Waris / Heirs Emergency Name | No Telefon Kecemasan Waris / Heirs Emergency Phone Number | Hubungan Dengan Waris / Relationship With Heirs | Catatan |
Jayyah Bin Don Arep | 123.046.788 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2-324d29dbd48e3e2bfe71af1b2aa33b95.png | 99.999.009.909 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-aae19024ae709fb53f068c403c458751.png | DE – Pendengaran / Deaf | VAQ9999 | III89UU | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2-9c0916d72fb09bc18f0551bbfe3dc0a9.png | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-c2ebe9f5f415147e64f2db3330d58642.png | Van Jenazah | Mitsubishi | Kuning-Kuning Tai Unta | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-f1bf385a2f12c6bfa3e94a9409d8674e.png | PO980jJKK | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2-4f5ae09f13b5a5abaf3a99e890726194.png | ‘+60182938000 | Batu 2 | INASIS TM | KAFE SIMEDARBY | Gohed Gostan | 0099887 | BD | Ya | AHMAD LEON | ‘+601800086377 | Saudara Seibu Sekakak | Kenderaan OKU Berdaftar | |||||
Jay Binti Arep | 9.999.990.000 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-37a8aa775cee07ecfe3ac1a957da0d66.png | 99.999.009.909 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-22371cef8eddd8e0366b24cd98d51aea.png | ME – Mental | uwush999 | iwiwj091920 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2-5969d2157fc48c06721d80bbe8f4e9cd.png | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-1-1c73a19ac48ca84f01a16d8cd70e55d4.png | Kereta Sorong | Lambogini | Kelabu Asap | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2024-01-31-154124-1502b7175deb2a3bfb6fada12ff0a633.png | pjduhiyfhrojfj00303938 | http://oku-ilc.my/utama/wp-content/uploads/wpforms/1497-328400d8c2cc633410c006ed7c25df2c/Screenshot-2-02e4572f8491db1143bd37b15a3f2b17.png | ‘+60129283736 | sdhbcvfvfhjvjvjgv | vbfvfvfvfevbhfjvjfhvab | wigwifgvfgvdfgvivvyr | bb vdvjadfvfvufd | vfihvfvfevavabvdfvbh | BB | Ya | Leon | ‘+60138890099 | Suami | Kenderaan OKU Berdaftar | |||||
Nama / Name | No Kad Pengenalan / Indentification card No | Muat Naik Gambar Kad Pengenalan / File Upload Identification Card No: File #1 | Muat Naik Gambar Kad Pengenalan / File Upload Identification Card No: File #2 | No Kad OKU / Disabled Card No | Muat Naik No Kad OKU / File Upload Disabled Card No: File #1 | Muat Naik No Kad OKU / File Upload Disabled Card No: File #2 | Kategori OKU / Category of Disabilities | No Plat Kenderaan / Vehicle Plate No | No Lesen Memandu / Driving License No | Muat Naik Lesen Memandu / File Upload Driving License: File #1 | Muat Naik Lesen Memandu / File Upload Driving License: File #2 | Geran Kenderaan / Vehicle Grant | Jenis Kenderaan / Type of Vehicle | Jenama Kenderaan / Vehicle Brand | Warna Kenderaan / Vehicle Color | Sijil Insuran / Certificate of Insurance: File #1 | Sijil Insuran / Certificate of Insurance: File #2 | No Cukai Jalan / Road Tax No | Cukai Jalan / Road Tax | No Telefon / Telephone No | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Address Line 1 | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Address Line 2 | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: City | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: State | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Zip/Postal Code | Alamat Surat Menyurat / Mailing Address: Country | Ubah Suai Kereta?: Ya | Ubah Suai Kereta?: Tidak | Nama Kecemasan Waris / Heirs Emergency Name | No Telefon Kecemasan Waris / Heirs Emergency Phone Number | Hubungan Dengan Waris / Relationship With Heirs |